Pascorp Paper’s environmental record had always been the best with their existing treatment plant meeting Standard A requirement for COD < 50 mg/L without fail. Upon taking the decision to implement a new Paper Machine, Pascorp invited CGE Systems to design the upgrade from a total effluent flow of 9,000 to 18,000 m3/day.
The existing treatment process comprises of physical and chemical treatment systems for fiber and suspended solids removal, followed by two-stage biological treatment. The upgrading work involved the installation of a fiber screening system, a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system, an aeration basin, a secondary clarifier and a sludge de-watering system. The existing plant was kept in full operation during the construction of these new treatment components.
The treatment plant is capable of reducing the COD, BOD and SS at the final treated effluent to consistently meet with the DOE Standard A.
A few years later Pascorp again invited CGE Systems to upgrade the total effluent flow to 23,000 m3/day.